Reza Ghafari

VB Script to Send Mail From Outlook

In our office we cannot create Outlook rules to forward emails outside the corporate network  (say to Gmail) automatically but you can write a VB script/Macro to do that. Although I have never done that as it might be illegal but this just explains that it is feasible!

The script basically is called whenever Outlook received a new email:

[code language=“vb”] private Sub Application_NewMail()

Dim newMail As MailItem Dim s As String Dim b As String Set newMail = Application.GetNamespace(“MAPI”).GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items.GetLast s = CStr(newMail.SenderName + “: " + newMail.subject) b = CStr(newMail.body + “”) Call CreateEmail(s, b) ’later you can delete these from your sent items folder

End Sub

Sub CreateEmail(subject As String, body As String)

Dim olApp As Object Dim OlMail As MailItem Dim ToRecipient As Variant Dim CcRecipient As Variant

Set olApp = Application Set OlMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

OlMail.Recipients.Add “”

OlMail.subject = subject OlMail.body = body OlMail.Send

End Sub [/code]